2024. December 20.
Added in-app purchases to iOS
Added animated forest tile
Unique hex rewards now consider free capacity if less than 3
Fixed long press not stopping
Fixed slow panning
Fixed map disappearing on pause
Fixed demolish not giving resources
Minor UI changes
2024. September 7.
Faster offline progress calculation
Fixed zoom problems after reset
Fixed reset confirmation option not updating
Fixed missing tile deselection when switching to hexes page
Fixed missing tile deselection when closing properties panel
Fixed proceed button greyed out in reset results panel
Fixed missing Tavern of Excange description in hand
Fixed long press not stopping after touching screen
Fixed Hexes tab appearing as locked after cloud restore
Fixed lighting after cloud restore
Added adaptive icons for Android
Update 0.1.8 (Item update)
2024. August 21.
Added Item system
Added Inventory that stores items
Replaced Guide tab with Home tab that includes Guide and News
Hexes tab is now locked before first reset
Added claimed Unique Hexes counter to Proceed button after reset
Added physics based scrolling and panning
Added quick upgrade tip to loading screen
Added reset confirmation switch to settings
Added launch screen storyboard to iOS
Improved building properties panels
Improved sounds
Fixed missing Tavern of Exchange description at countdown timer
Fixed iOS screen sizing, blocked landscape mode on iPhones
Fixed infinite zoom glitch
Fixed a properties panel bug in the tutorial
2024. June 24.
Fixed offline progress working incorrectly
Fixed many crashes
Slightly improved shadows
Update 0.1.7 (Loading screen update)
2024. April 7.
Added loading screen
FULL labels are now displayed on the resource bars themselves rather than replacing production rates
Non-placed Unique Hexes can now be deleted on the Collection page
Unique Hexes
Tavern of Exchange now shows if no Unique Hexes are available
Architects' Guildhouse now increases warehouse levels and storage capacity before offline production is calculated (you get more resources)
Subscription purchase button grayed out as we are working on implementing purchases on iOS
Fixed long press auto-upgrade not stopping
Fixed reset panel number formatting and overlaps
Fixed freshly unlocked shrines showing as selected
Fixed incorrect offline production (Architect’s Guildhouse bug)
Improved gesture handling
Optimized 3D models
Option to disable shadows
Not rendering tiles outside the screen
Update 0.1.6 (Map update)
2023. December 20.
Added new 3D tiles and buildings
Added tile rotation so the Map isn't that repetitive
Added fast upgrade by pressing and holding the upgrade button
Added pinch zoom
Added cooldown timers to Unique Hexes like Architects' Guildhouse and Marching Camp so it's easier to see when their effect takes places next
Fixed a crash on resume
Improved shadows
Improved save-load system
Pause/resume is now handled by the OS
Loading time and texture optimizations
2023. September 13.
Fixed extra % not added on world reset
2023. August 29.
Added a one-time notification if a resource is full when offline (Android only)
Added helper buttons if the world is corrupted
World reset now gives much more bonus % after exceeding the best CM
World reset panel is slightly changed to show new bonus system
Building panel contents adjusted to prevent overlap
Fixed a crash when the cloud save is invalid
Fixed back button exiting the game instead of closing a window
Update 0.1.5 (Nightly)
2023. June 14.
Redesigned user interface theme, fonts and icons
Added Google Play Games integration and leaderboards (Android only)
Fonts are now pre-compiled, less glitches and faster startup
Welcome window now only appears for more than 1 minute offline progress
Tapping on dark overlay behind popups is now blocked
Fixed missing sliders on some scrollbars
Fixed scrolling stopping before the bottom
Initial iOS support
iOS Open Beta Release
2023. April 21.
Many of you have asked whether we are developing an iOS version of the game, either for you to play or for your friends to join you. We are happy to let you know that the app has launched on iOS!
It's currently in open beta and can be accessed through the TestFlight app at the following link:
(You may need to install TestFlight first to download beta/test apps on your Apple devices.)
We haven't found a way to disable rotating the screen, so a workaround we implemented is that the game will always be in portrait, even if you rotate it. Just a heads up, so don't be surprised. :)
Some bugs may occur as it's the first release on iOS, so if you see anything strange, please let us know on discord: Game on!
2022. June 5.
Fixed music always enabled at startup
Fixed CM counter not updating at startup
Fixed UI issues after demolishing
2022. April 19.
Fixed no offline progress while paused to background
Fixed missing characters on 4K displays
Fixed crash on Android <7.0
Fixed News panel scrolling on narrow displays
Update 0.1.4
2022. April 11.
Added Unique Hex Fusion system
Added Music, SFX toggle in Settings
Optimized asset storage
Unique hexes are now ordered by tier > faction > name
Balance changes
Architects' Guildhouse cooldown changed from 120/100/80/60 minutes to 8/6/4/2 hours
2021. December 6.
Reworked UI system
Added an error dialog if the world can't be loaded to prevent data loss
New hexes panels, every collected UH is now visible - Fixed inventory not updating in real time
Added construct, demolition and unique hex reveal sounds
Added new unique hex textures
Improved shrine panel, added confirmation dialog
Tavern of Exchange now shows cooldown timer instead of UHs
Reduced ETA text size on warehouse
Annex and Marching Camp no longer increases next hex cost
Several minor fixes and optimizations
2021. September 21.
Fixed production stopping randomly
Fixed multiple resource icons appearing
Improved logging
Improved Unique Hex Inventory on narrow displays
Updated Settings panel
Missing resources now appear in red on upgrade and build buttons
Tavern of Exchange ignores the same type when redrawing
Fixed some sounds
Fixed unique hexes not loading properly
Removed Play Services integration
Added claimed hex counter
Added changelog to news
2021. August 15.
Added tiers to Unique Hexes (everything is tier 1 right now)
Added Settings panel
Added closed beta button to Feedback panel
Added Screen Switch Bar to bottom
Added tutorial for early game
Fixed error popup when offline
Fixed some crashes
Update 0.1.2pre4
2021. May 18.
Improved contribution panel, added auto-check for cancelled subscriptions on world reset
Added the Yionnelia faction
Added Marching Camp, Architects' Guildhouse, Tavern of Exchange unique hexes
Updated unique hex textures
2021. March 24.
Fixed not giving out unique hexes on web version
Fixed negative bonus calculation
Minor visual changes & optimizations
Fixed annex not claiming properly
Fixed wrong unique hex texture in world view
0 seconds offline time is now ignored
Update 0.1.1
2021. March 13.
Reworked subscription system, added account status indicator
Showing capacity when it's not enough for buying a new tile
Update 0.1.1pre5
2021. March 1.
Updated some unique hex textures
Improved unique hex revealing and placing systems
Added Annex and Outcast Watchtower unique hexes
Fixed some crashes
Improved logging
Browser version completed
Fixed no deselect when pressing back button
New prestige bonus calculation formula on reset
Added popup info box to revealed unique hexes
Update 0.1.1pre2
2021. February 14.
Decreased properties panel latency
Decreased panel background transparency
Added hex selection marker
Initial work has been made for browser export compatibility
Reset panels now shows best CM even after surpassing it
Changed unique hex description to more clear wording
2021. January 30.
Restoring premium status after reinstall now needs pressing the purchase button
Hopefully fixed everything related to the fast-forward glitch
Fixed word wrap and text overflow on narrow screens
Added ability to show more than 1 window at the same time with darker background
Added disabled version of build & upgrade buttons
Added building demolition confirmation dialog
Fixed occasional incorrect warehouse cost calculation
Added range number to unique hex inventory icons
Update 0.0.4
2021. January 23.
Improved notification system
Fixed warehouse giving too much resources on demolition
Premium status is now restored immediately after reinstall (will be revoked in next update)